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Regional fee for the right to University Education

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What is it?

The regional fee is a contribution that students must pay every time they enroll in a bachelor’s degree course, a single cycle master’s degree course, a master’s degree course, a PhD course or a postgraduate school (according to D. Lgs 68/2012 and L.R. 53/1996)


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How to pay

Pour it directly to your university upon enrolment.
To find out how to do this, consult the website of your university or contact the offices that deal with it.

Conservatorio of Alessandria and the Scuola per mediatori linguistici of Cuneo/Pinerolo

If you subscribe to these Institutes you pay the regional tax directly to EDISU Piemonte through the PagoPA system, the electronic payment formula designed to make any payment to the Public Administration simpler, safer and more transparent.

Read more about it on the pagoPA page.



Refund of the fee paid

The refund concerns only the quote of the Regional Fee for the right to University Education (Euros 140,00), and not the any additional amount such as virtual stamp duty or other charges.
The students that have paid exclusively the mav for the amount of 16,00 euros do not have to fill the refund request.
Refound criteria are described in L.R. 53/1996, art. 5 and in the D. Lgs 68/2012, art. 9.


From 15 January until 30 June at 12.00 noon you can access the online procedure and submit your regional fee refund request.
Check your requirements on the Regional fee refund regulation.
From 1 July 2023 the procedure will be suspended without exception, for all students and for any reason, until the new calendar year (the following January)



Who can apply?

The refund is given to students who paid the regional fee within the deadlines set by their university and that belong to one of the following cases:

  • Winner on EDISU scholarship definitive ranking list (with the exception of first year students as per calls for reference).
  • Eligible next year not assigned in definitive ranking list.
  • Double payment of the fee in universities of Piedmont.
  • Transfer to an university of another Italian region.
  • Withdrawal from the university, if and only if within the deadlines set by the university’s regulation.
  • Freezing carreer
  • Graduation during the extraordinary session, included PREFIT course (Unito students who graduate in the first session with grade 110/110 cannot apply for the refund of the regional fee, according to art. 5.3 of Unito’s Fee Regulation).
  • Forfeiture of the academic career (“Decadenza” for courses pre DM 509/1999).
  • Invalidity percentage not lower than 66%.
  • Attested disability as stated on art.3 par 1 and/or 3 of L. 104/92.
  • Sons or daughters of those who benefits of a inability pension.
  • Enrollment to “Scuola di Studi Superiori” or “MD/PhD” program (until 2015/16).
  • Contextual enrollment in two different Piedmontese University (for exemple, Conservatorio and Unito)

Students who do not have to apply for a refund

The following types of students don’t have to apply for the refund

  • First year students enrolled in UNITO or UPO who won EDISU scholarship: the is automatic as specified below (“Payment”);
  • Students enrolled in a first year at Politecnicoas early years and susequent years who have EDISU scholarship cannot apply for refund of the regional tax, the management of any refund of the regional tax is the responsability of the University itself. For more information, contact the secretariat.


PhD Students

Students who are enrolled in a PhD course in a university of Piedmont, who benefit from a scholarship provided by their universities (under any funds of the Minister or other public or private institutions), can apply for the refund of the regional fee exclusively for the current academic year, provided that they meet the economic requirements set by the current Notice of Competition.

The refund of the regional fee is granted for a period equal to the legal duration of the course in which the PhD student is enrolled, starting from the year of first enrollment.
The economic condition of the student is identified according to D.P.C.M. 159/2013, art. 5 of D.P.C.M. 09/04/2001 and art. 7 and 8 of D.lgs.68/2012.
The family of the PhD student is composed exclusively by the applicant, the spouse, the children under and over 18 years. Otherwise, students can compose their families according to the ordinary rules.

Economic requirements

Student must meet the economic requirements for scholarship, as specified on art.6 of EDISU Notice of Competition.

If you are enrolled in a PHD or a postgraduate school you can choose to submit the ISEE Parificato with just one component (the student himself), or by the student himself, the spouse and sons (if you are married): nucleo RISTRETTO. Otherwise, students can compose their families according to the ordinary rules.

We specify that ISEE nucleo RISTRETTO must be required by students whose family is their original family. In this case, when they go to the CAAF Office, when they fill out the DSU, they must complete the section (“Nucleo familiare ristretto”, restricted household).

ISEE type

  • Italian student – EU or Extra EU Student with:
    > The whole family in Italy
    > Recidence in Italy
    > Household incomes in Italy or abroad
    > Assets possessed in Italy or abroad
    Must request: ISEE PhD – Restricted Household
  • Extra EU student with international protection with:
    > Recidence in Italy
    > No reference to income and assets of the origin's family
    Must request: ISEE PhD – Restricted Household
  • EU student with:
    > Recidence in Italy
    > Household incomes abroad
    > Assets possessed abroad
    Must request: ISEE PhD – Restricted Household
  • EU student with:
    > Recidence in abroad
    > Household incomes abroad
    > Assets possessed abroad
    Must request: ISEE parificato according to ordinary rules - NO restricted household
  • EXTRA EU student with:
    > Recidence in Italy
    > Household incomes abroad
    > Assets possessed abroad
    Must request: ISEE PhD – Restricted Household
  • EXTRA EU student with:
    > Recidence in abroad
    > Household incomes abroad
    > Assets possessed abroad
    Must request: ISEE parificato according to ordinary rules - NO restricted household

Remember that if you must submit an ISEE Parificato you don’t have to complete the section (“Nucleo familiare ristretto”, restricted household) when you go to the CAAF office.
In order to get more information about consular documents, please check artt. 30 and 31 of Edisu Notice of Competition.


Who is not required to apply (doctoral students)

  • The following types of doctoral students are not required to apply for reimbursement. Enrolled in the first years who are EDISU scholarship winners: in fact, the reimbursement will take place automatically according to the timelines indicated under "Reimbursement timelines" below.
  • Enrolled at Polito as first-years and subsequent years of EDISU scholarship cannot submit a request for refund of the regional fee, the management of any refund of the regional fee is borne by the University itself. For further information please contact the secretary's office.



How to request the refund


Students without Italian citizenship

  1. On the home page of the website go to section Online Service and click on Regional Fee Refund, then register yourself with an Temporary access code 2023/2024
  2. Access to your personal page of the Regional Fee Refund Online Service with your Temporary access code 2023/2024
  3. Fill out the application form and transmit it online
  4. Print the form with the appropriate button
  5. Put a signature on the form
  6. Attach the following documents in PDF
    • Application form, signed by the student
    • Front/back copy of a valid ID document, in blach and white, scanned on a single sheet
    • A copy of the receipt of payment of the tuition fees
  7. Transmit the application and the documents exclusively online.

If you lose your User Code or your password click on “Help” in the Regional Fee Refund Online Service.


Students with Italian citizenship

  1. Access to your personal page of the Regional Fee Refund Online Service with SPID Code
  2. Fill out the application form and transmit it exclusively online



Students who, following the check with the University, possess the requirements for the right to refund the regional tax, will receive an email communication from Edisu in which it will be indicated that the payment will be made no later than 45 days following verification with universities and on the basis of bank timing.

Students who, following the check with the University, DO NOT meet the requirements for the right to refund the regional tax, will receive a communication indicating the cause of exclusion of the right to refund (art. 13 of the Regional fee refund regulation). 


EDISU does not grant a refund of the regional tax as indicated in art. 15 of the Regional fee refund regulation or art. 26 for students enrolled in PhD courses.



The timing of the refund

For scholarship winners

Reimbursement will be provided separately but concurrently with the payment of the second scholarship installment.

  • First-year students.

the payment schedules for the second instalment of the grant are indicated in article 12 paragraph 610 of the 2021/22 Notice of competition.

  •  Students in subsequent years:

the payment schedules for the second scholarship installment are indicated in article 17 paragraph 3 of the 2021/22 Notice of competition.

For students with other reasons, the reimbursement will be made after verification with the universities according to the times indicated in article 13 of the Regional Fee Refund Regulation


For all the other students

The applications will be assessed with the university, then the payment will be done within 45 working days after the outcomes.



Payment method

The installments are paid exclusively via bank account or prepaid cards with the following features:

  • opened in an Italian bank;
  • in the name of the student;
  • with IBAN code.

Postal saving accounts are not accepted, even if provided with IBAN code.
Login on your personal page of EDISU website with your User code or PIN code or SPID + password, and submit your IBAN code on the section “IBAN CODE” (“Coordinate bancarie – IBAN”).

The payment is done within 45 days starting from the assignment of the refund.
If you want to modify an IBAN Code already inserted you must submit the online procedure.


  • If you want the refund on a foreign bank account, all the costs are on you;
  • EDISU can’t process the refund if you don’t submit your IBAN code.




Something still not clear?

► Go to Ticketing service

We remember you that the following information does not replace the content of Notices of competition and official documents regulating the EDISU service and that you can download from the website.




Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 January 2025

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