On this page you will find useful contacts to ask for information and assistance on topics of interest to you. We update it frequently, so we invite you to consult it often.
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Having trouble registering or filling out an application?
Inside the Ticketing area you will find the FAQ Helpdesk section - online services and question filling, where you can find answers to the most common problems that could arise during the registration and compilation of the question.
If you have not found the answer you were looking for, you can always open a ticket by selecting the "NO, I want to open a ticket" button. This way you will receive assistance from a dedicated operator.
On the Scholarship page inside the box Download the materials you need to find the documents useful for the application.
Help him to fill the application
Within the online compilation procedure, at the beginning of the section you are about to fill in and next to the various items you will find the "How to" and "HELP" (for example: type of benefit to be requested, school data, economic data and assets, etc.) that can help you resolve doubts during compilation. For better navigation we recommend you to unlock browser pop-ups.
Ask for Ticketing assistance
By accessing the Ticketing assistance service you can deepen the information and receive dedicated assistance on the following topics:
- ISEE and Economic Verifications
- Revocations
- Scholarship and Accommodation Service (the section is divided by topics and by student types and there are topics about international students – EU and Extra-EU – and about students with disabilities
- Food Service
- International mobility grant
- Extraordinary contributions
- Regional Tax for the right to university study
- Regional Tax for Professional qualification
How to do?
Read the FAQ on the topic that interests you and, if you do not find the answer you are looking for, use the "No, I want to open a ticket" function to request the dedicated assistance of an operator.
Given the high number of daily tickets that the dedicated assistance service receives in these weeks, it is not possible to guarantee a response in 48 hours. All tickets will still be processed as soon as possible.
Contact us with the form
On the site you can consult the FAQ on the following topics. If you do not find the answers you are looking for to your doubts, you can write to us using the form.
- Halls of Residences
- ResidenzAscolta
- Sport
- Health assistence
How to do?
Read the FAQ on the topic of your interest and, if you do not find the answer you are looking for, use the Go to fill in the FORM function and select the topic you want assistance with.
Do not write directly to e-mail addresses randomly; by using the form you can be sure that your request is being processed correctly.
Ticket or Form?
Be careful not to confuse the two tools!
You must open it in the Assistance and Ticketing Area to receive assistance on the topics listed in the first box above, if you have not found the answer by reading the Area FAQ.
- TICKET: you must open it in the Assistance and Ticketing Area to receive assistance on the topics listed in the first box above, if you have not found the answer by reading the FAQ in the Area.
You can access the FAQ and ticket area both as already registered users and as external guest users (that is, who have not in possession of PIN-SPID TEMPORARY ACCESS CODE and password), by selecting one of the two alternatives.
At the end of the consultation of the FAQ, to the question "Have we resolved your doubts?" you can decide whether not to continue or if instead open the Ticket to ask for our assistance (click on "No, I want to open a ticket").
You are then introduced to the Insert assistance ticket page where you must fill in all the fields with the information requested. At the end press on "Send".
► So you send a TICKET.
- FORM: you must use it to receive assistance on topics other than those listed in the first box above if you have not found the answer by reading the FAQs on the site. Fill it out from the FAQ&FORM page, box "Ask us for help".
Before filling in the form, read the introductory part carefully and then Go to fill in the form following the instructions. At the end press on "Send - GO".
► So you send an assistance request with the FORM.
Students' Offices
Ultimo aggiornamento: 09 August 2023