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Study Halls

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Locations and opening hours

Go to Find the location you are looking for page and search for the study room you are interested in.

In addition to our halls, you have access to study spaces either under agreement or included in the Campus Diffuso Universitario project. Find out which ones by accessing the page Find the location you are looking for.

Access and reservation

Booking via Campus Piemonte ID Studyroom

To access the Verdi 26, Michelangelo, Principe and Giura study rooms, you must use the app Campus Piemonte ID Studyroom.

WI - FI Internet

In all the study rooms you can also surf the Internet with no limits for free without limits thanks through WI - FI. 

How to log in

You can proceed in one of these ways:

  • use the credentials provided by your university (generally in the user field you must enter the university's email address: the password is the same as the mailbox)
  • with EDISU account (put in a request to EDISU office to receive a password; username:

See the information on accessing and using the internet.
See the information on the individual study rooms and discover the other services available.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 August 2024

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