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Professional lists

Contenuti principali della pagina

Legal area

EDISU Piemonte has established a List of lawyers for the assignment of mandates of representation and defense in court, also pursuant to the provisions of art. 1 paragraph 8 of Decree Law no. 193 of 22 October 2016, converted with amendments by Law no. 225 of 1/12/16. EDISU Piemonte has established a List of lawyers for the assignment of mandates of representation and defense in court, also pursuant to the provisions of art. 1 paragraph 8 of Decree Law no. 193 of 22 October 2016, converted with amendments by Law no. 225 of 1/12/16.


How to register

The deadline for the transmission of applications for registration, drawn up according to the Application Form and together with the attachments as provided for in the regulation, is September 29, 2018 at the mailbox pec: 

Once the above mentioned deadline has expired, it is possible to submit an application for registration at any time; the entry in the register is made with a quarterly review.



Lawyers list updates


Updates 17 October 2024

Updates 16 May 2024

Updates 5 October 2023

Updates 30 June 2021

Updates 31 March 2021

Updates 21 January 2021

Updates October 2020
Updates July 2020
Updates March 2020
Updates 9 December 2019
Updates  25 January 2019
Updates 11 October 2018
Updates  31 March 2018
Updates 9 February 2018






Techinicians area


As required by the EDISU Board of Directors resolution no. 25/2018, with which the regulation for the establishment of the list of qualified professionals for the award of technical assignments was updated, EDISU Piedmont constitutes the new register of technical professionals.

The list is also made in accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 18 April 2016, n. 50 "Code of public contracts" and subsequent amendments, and by the Implementing Guidelines no. 1 and n. 4 approved by the Council of the National Anti-Corruption Authority.


The professional categories

The list is organized according to the categories and ID works listed in art. 7 paragraph 1 of the Ministerial Decree of 17/06/2016 and specified in the relevant Table Z-1, with the addition of specialized activities and services for which specific mandatory requirements are required.

The categories will be divided, for the purposes of registration on the list, according to the following amount ranges (estimate of the consideration for the services requested):

  • up to 40,000.00 euros
  • from 40,000.00 euros to 100,000.00 euros.


How to register

Applications for registration must be sent by certified e-mail to, and must be accompanied by the following documentation, namely: application for participation professional curriculum professional references The applications received are evaluated and included in the list on a quarterly basis.


Technicians updates

Updates 30 September 2023 (19°)
Updates 30 June 2023 (18°)
Updates 30 March 2023 (17)
Updates 30 September 2022 (15)
Updates 30 June 2022 (14)
Updates 21 december 2021 (13)
Updates 21 december 2021 (12)
Updates 30 september 2021 (11)
Updates 10  August 2020
Updates 16 March 2020
Updates 25 Octyober 2019
Updates 25 July 2019
Updates 19 April 2019
Updates 18 November 2018
Updates 18 April 2018






Ultimo aggiornamento: 24 January 2025

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