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Social media network

EDISU Piemonte is present on the following social platforms

Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Youtube, Messenger.

Social media policy


Press releases


18 May: Task Force 338: projects presented under Edisu and Coreco coordination

16 May: Edisu returns to the Turin Book Fair in a 'Study Outside' version

22 April: Edisu Piemonte 2021: a year of transformation, between pandemic crisis and major challenges

20 April: Piedmont's three-day conference on the right to university studies gets under way

13 April: Right to university studies at the heart of a major national event promoted by Andisu

12 April: EDISU's BoD approves the adoption of the provisional budget

4 April: EDISU, UNITO, POLITO and UPO create a task force for housing thanks to L338/2000

19 March: Edisu celebrates spring with an orientation event for Piedmont school principals

10 March: Sustainable dishes in university canteens in Piedmont for "Green Food Week"

1 March: War in Ukraine: Edisu ready to welcome conflict-affected students and academics into its facilities

21 January: Study Outside_winners of the competition for innovative outdoor study spaces announced

7 January: Edisu and UK together to host ten Afghan students


16 December: Torino Student Zone_opens at the Murazzi del Po study room with bar and River Canteen by Edisu

10 December: Principe Amedeo canteen: reopening on Monday 13 after renovation work

17 November: Edisu and Coldiretti together for the "Or.TO-limpia" project at the Olimpia residence

15 November: The best students from the fifth year of the Liceo 'Properzio' in Assisi will spend a week in Turin as real university students

15 November: The best students from the fifth year of ITIS 'Carlo Zuccante' will spend a week in Turin as real university students

13 November: Universities and Edisu participate in the ATP Finals for the first time as the 'university system of Piedmont”

30 October: Competition for ideas for photovoltaic shelters: green architect Giorgio De Ferrari is the President of the jury

27 October: Alessandro Ciro Sciretti elected to Andisu Executive Committee

20 October: The Quintino Sella Residence in Vercelli will host the firefighters


29 September: Clarifications on the Ex Fonderie Nebiolo project of the Italian Islamic Confederation in Turin

23 September: Presentazione Tower 

16 September: Bando pensiline fotovoltaiche

27 August: From 1 September green pass for canteen and study room

26 July: DAD: Edisu stanzia ulteriori 92 mila euro e copre il 100% delle richieste degli aventi diritto

13 July: Nuovo bando borse di studio e servizi abitativi

16 June: Sala studio Reggia di Venaria

9 June: Protocollo d’Intesa tra Edisu Piemonte e Amiat Gruppo Iren

15 May: Piemonte sede Universiadi 2025

29 April: Indagine esplorativa posti letto

14 April: Presentazione Campus Piemonte 

9 April: Bilancio consuntivo e previsione

31 March: Bando DAD

12 March: Edisu mette in campo studenti e studentesse per Piemonte 2027

25 February: Rimborso affitto lockdown

16 February: Nuova sala studio EDISU a Settimo Torinese

12 Ferbruary: NEXT TO

8 February: Nuova sala studio EDISU all'Envi Park

15 January: 72 posti letto aggiuntivi 



26 November Il presidente Sciretti incontra il sindaco di Vercelli

24 August Borse di studio Covid 19

6 August Campus Universitario Diffuso

26 May Nelle residenze nuova connettività e tablet per studiare ai tempi del Covid 19

8 May Regione e Edisu a sostegno degli studenti

21 ApriIl consiglio di amministrazione EDISU Piemonte ha approvato il bilancio di previsione 2020

14 April EDISU ospita alla Borsellino i 38 medici e infermieri cubani giunti a Torino per l'emergenza covid - 19

25 MarchVia libera allo stanziamento di 26,4 milioni di euro per il diritto allo studio universitario del Piemonte

22 MarchCoronavirus, EDISU mette a disposizione a Vercelli la residenza universitaria Quintino Sella per ospitare i pazienti convalescenti da COVID 19

13 March Coronavirus, EDISU Piemonte sperimenta il cibo a domicilio nelle Residenze universitarie

14 February Il 17 febbraio il Presidente EDISU Piemonte a Novara e Vercelli

13 February Pagamenti stipendi Roger 13 febbraio

30 January Prima visita residenze

29 January Visita Sciretti Borsellino e Claretta 30 gennaio

21 January Primo giorno di lavoro per il neo Presidente Sciretti



Ultimo aggiornamento: 07 December 2022

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