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Fondo rotativo for rent deposit

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About fondo rotativo

Fondo rotativo is an economic support to cover the payment of the security deposit required at  time of stipulating a contract as an advance payment of the scholarship amount a.y. 2024/2025, reserved for off-campus students applying for scholarships and housing service enrolled in a first year or a successive year who result eligible in the accommodation definitive classification list of 23/09/2023 and not assigned as a result of expression of interest (article 33 paragraph 3 Notice of Competition 2024/2025).



Fondo rotativo grant is reserved for university students that at the time of the application:

  • resulting eligible in the accommodation definitive classification list of 23/09/2024 a.y. 2024/2025 and have declared their interest to have an accommodation in a Edisu Residences as provided for in article 33 paragraph 3 Notice of Competition 2024/2025;
  • resulting, on the date of payment of the contribution, enrolled at a Piedmontese University;
  • submit a copy of a contract of a house rental regularly registered at the “Agenzia delle Entrate”. The length of the contract must cover at least 10 months of the academic year 2024/2025 (included in the period from 1th September 2024 to 30 September 2025, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 8 paragraph 2 Notice of Competition 2024/2025) in the name of the student or a first-degree relative, in which is indicated the use by the student (the name of the student must be shown on the contract), located in the same municipality of the attended course, or in neighboring (bordering) municipalities, specifying that the amount of the security deposit must have been paid in the year 2024.


The application must be submitted and transmit exclusively online by accessing to personal page on ( “EDISU Online Services –” log into “Scholarship, Accommodation serviced, Food Service - Apply”) using SPID code or CIE or TEMPORARY LOGIN CODE a.y. 2024/2025 FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (Article 7 Notice of Competition a.y 2024/2025)

To online application must be attached documentation indicated in art. 4 of the Notice Fondo Rotativo a.y. 2024/2025.

Deadline        Ranking list  Payment
From 02 October 2024 to 09 October 2024 h.12:00 A.M.
16 October 2024                     
From 23 October 2024

Applications submitted in different way from to what’s stated in Notice Fondo Rotativo a.y. 2024/2025 will not be accepted



Students must meet the following requirements:

  1. enrollment in Bachelor degree, master degree or single cycle master’s degree in a Piedmontese University;
  2. submission of the copy of the rental contract attached to the online application form (in pdf format) which shows the security deposit expenses (excluding charges/ancillary expenses).and the regular registration to Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate).

For the application of the grant will not be considered valid the only rental contract registration sheet issued by “Agenzia delle Entrate” but it will be necessary to attach the entire rental contract.


The contract must:

  • the length of the contract must cover at least 10 months of the academic year 2024/2025 (5 months if student applies for a further semester), included in the period from 1th September 2024 to 30 September 2025, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 8 paragraph 2 Notice of Competition 2024/2025;
  • be related to an accommodation located in the same municipality of the attended course, or in neighboring (bordering) municipalities;
  • be registered:
    • to the student;
    • a first-degree relative, in which is indicated the use by the student (the name of the student must be shown on the contract);
    • deed of contract takeover in a contract registered to other people, signed by the parties and registered;
    • to another student; in this case the name of the applicant student must appear in the contract as a person entitled to occupy the home and to pay the part of the rent.


Fondo rotativo cannot be granted to students who have financial pending with EDISU Piemonte.



The amount will be allocated up to the limit of the available resources.

The amount paid is equal to the two months required by the tenant as a security deposit excluding plus costs and ancillary charges, that will be fully recognized or in part according to the number of holders, however within the maximum limit set for each contract and cannot exceed € 800,00.

This amount is intended as an advance on the scholarship amount for a.y. 2024/2025, if student is winner in final ranking lists on 16 December 2024 will be deducted:

  • 50% of the first instalment of scholarship paid a.y. 2024/2025 paid in December 2024;
  • 50% on the amount of the last grant instalment a.y. 2024/2025;
  • in full on the amount of the last grant instalment, if it was not possible to make the 50% deduction on the December 2024 instalment.

For all students for whom the refund cannot be ordered with the deduction on scholarship installments (excluded or eligible for exhaustion of the available resources in the definitive ranking lists on December 156 2024) the amount received will be revoked.



Support for the payment of the security deposit will be allocated on the basis of “Scrolling ranking list” published after the outcome of Expression of interest (article 33 paragraph 3 Notice of Competition a.y. 2024/2025).

Will be considered valid only applications complete with the documentation required in article 4 and transmit in accordance with article 5, Fondo Rotativo Notice of Competition a.y. 2024/2025.

Students can known their result checking the ranking list on their personal page of EDISU Online Services in dates indicated in article 5 Fondo Rotativo Notice of Competition a.y. 2024/2025.



Students can have the revocation of Fondo Rotativo 2023/2024 and must return the amount received in the times and methods provided for in the revocation deed, in the following cases:

  • students for whom the refund cannot be ordered with the deduction on scholarship installments a.y. 2024/2025 (excluded or eligible for exhaustion of the available resources in the definitive ranking lists on 16 December 2024);
  • students who lose benefits for subsequent revocation or economic assessment;
  • students who are hosted at an Edisu Residence following the procedure of scrolling ranking list;
  • first year students who maintain only the right to the first installment of scholarship ((article 13 paragraph 5 Notice of Competition 2024/2025), that will have to repay the amount equal to 50% of the grant paid;
  • students, who as a result of checks, will lose eligibility to scholarship.

Students with revocation who will not return the amount of Fondo Rotativo in the terms provided in revocation deed, will be notified to University that will block their university career as provided by article 39 paragraph 4 Notice of Competition a.y. 2024/2025.

In all cases of non-fulfillment in the repayment of debts, any other benefits assigned will be suspended until the debt position is regularized.

In any case EDISU will pursue all legal avenues for credit recovery.



Students can request information and/ or clarification using Ticketing service, selecting the topic “FONDO ROTATIVO”.



Remember that the following information does not replace the content of Notices of competition and official documents regulating EDISU service and that you can download from the website.



Ultimo aggiornamento: 03 September 2024

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