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You have selected The Revocation page. We remember you that the following information does not replace the content of Notices of competition and official documents regulating the EDISU service and that you can download from the website.
What is meant by revocation
Students who meet the conditions of non-admission, exclusion and forfeiture of forfeiture of eligibility for benefits during the academic year, in accordance with current legislation on debt collection, students must repay the sums received as scholarship and/or the value of the accommodation service used and other benefits or services also losing the right to exemption from university fees.
Benefits are revoked to students to whom a serious disciplinary measure has been adopted by Universities, such as exclusion or suspension from multiple university exams or suspension from university attendance for a period equal to or greater than one year.
Enrolment and merit assessment
In order to assess enrolment, merit condition, student’s career, internal transfers, or transfer-outs, EDISU carries out assessments jointly with Universities, on all self-certifications produced by students.
Assessments concern enrolment in the academic year of reference, the year of first enrolment and the number of credits declared, any passages, transfers and waivers even in previous academic years.
Assessments will start from the application deadline, and will finish with the payment of scholarship’s second instalment. It is possible, in any case, to carry out further assessments after the payment of the second instalment of scholarship, also following reporting by the Universities.
First years absence of merit requirements
ollowing the assessment on the absence of merit requirements in order to maintain the first instalment of scholarship, and an eventual prepayment on the amount of the second instalment received, EDISU can revoke the benefits with a special provision, the eligibility condition, the reimbursement of the regional tax, and the exemption from the payment of tuition and fees.
According to Article paragraph 1 and 2 of Law n° 241 August 7, 1990, EDISU verifies compliance with the merit for the maintenance of the first instalment of scholarship, accommodation service used, and eligibility.
This procedure concerns first-year students:
- will start for a.y. 2022/2023 on 30 March 2024 and will end by 30 September 2024
- will start for a.y. 2023/2024 on 30 March 2025 and will end by 30 September 2025
In case of the assessment is in according with the merit requirement, the student will have notice of such conformity in the personal page of EDISU Online Services, section “Revocation/Assessments” Only in this case will not be sent other communication.
In case the absence of merit requirement will be applied the provisions of Article 39 paragraph 3, Notice of competition for the academic year of reference.
First years and Successive years: failure of the requirements
It’s a reason for revocation of benefit:
as indicated in the Notice of competition article 3 “Conditions of non-admission” and “Conditions of exclusion”, if EDISU verifies its existence, following assessment which may also take place after the publication of the ranking lists;
as indicated in the Notice of competition article 35 “Accommodation service – Revocation” and being subject to a disciplinary measure, adopted by Universities, such as exclusion or suspension from multiple university exams or suspension from university attendance for a period equal to or greater than one year.
Concerning the assignees of Accommodation service, it is furthermore a reason for revocation of accommodation service and eventually scholarship, being involved in a disciplinary action in accordance with the Regulation halls of residence and subsequent amendments, and have renounced the accommodation service as provided for in Notice of competition, article 35 paragraph 1.
Refund benefits
1. Scolarship-winning students, eligible scholarship students and students assigned accomodation service
Will be sent by postal service registered letter containing the revocation of the benefit granted, information on the amount to be return, the deadline for payment and the arrangements for payment in accordance with current legislation on debt collection. Copy of the letter will be inserted in the personal page of EDISU Online Services, section “Revocation/Assessments”. Such publication shall not constitute notification of the revocation of the benefit, but has the only function of informing the student.
Students are required to communicate any changes related to the address of residence or domicile at EDISU via Ticketing service, by selecting the topic "Revocations”.
Students who revoke benefits that they have not indicated a valid address of residence or domicile, and will be unavailable for the postal service, will be reported to the University for the administrative blocking of the career.
The administrative blocking of the career will also be made to students who have not paid the amount due, by the deadline indicated in the revocation letter.
2. Eligible students on scholarship, haven't been assigned of accommodion services
The communication will be given in the personal page of EDISU Online Services, section “Revocation/Assessments” to communicate the conclusion of the procedure and the outcome. No other individual written communication will be sent.
The refund of benefits is subject to the applicable regulatory provisions. In all cases of default in the repayment of sums due any other benefits granted will be suspended, until the payment of the full amount due.
Applications payment in instalments
It is possible to request an instalment plan of the amount due following revocation of the benefit. This request must be submitted by sending a
ticket to the topic “Revocations”. Following the request will be sent the request form with the instructions to follow.
The instalment plan will be sent, by postal service, to the address indicated on the form.
For any information on how to request instalments or on instalments already granted contact, you may submit a
ticket, topic “Revocation”.
Administrative blocking of the academic career
Students who have a revocation of benefits who will not have made the payment of the amount due by the deadline indicated in the revocation letter or which do not respect the instalments granted, pursuant to the provisions of “Linee Guida revoche e recupero crediti borse di studio, contributi e posti letto: riscossione bonaria”, will be subjected to the blocking of academic career.
This block will also be applied to students who have not indicated a valid address of residence or domicile and which will be considered, for the postal service, in the condition of “unavailability”.
Communication to University and registration to the case-list
The revocation act will be communicated to the University who will revoke the exemption from tuition fees and will require payment of the amount due based on the “Tuition Fee Regulations”.
In case of non-payment of the amount due Edisu will proceed to the recovery of the credits through the competent concessionaire to enforced collection procedure.
Revocation of further services and benefits
Edisu will revoke additional services (for example: Food service) and other benefits, as established by the respective Notices of competitons and internal regulations.
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