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Integrative grant for international mobility

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You have selected the Integrative grant for international mobility page. We remember you that the following information does not replace the content of Notices of competition and official documents regulating the EDISU service and that you can download from the website.


What is the international mobility integrative grant? 

The international mobility grant is a scholarship given to students enrolled in a University in Piemonte who participate in an international mobility project sponsored by their University in a.y. 2024/25, in order to provide them a financial support. It is a supplementary contribution that is added to Edisu scholarship 2023/24.

The Notice of Competition is published in May 2024.


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Who can apply

The integrative contribution is granted only to students winner of EDISU scholarship 2023/24 and participating in international mobility programs sponsored by their University for the academic year 2024/25. 

To learn more:

GUIDE to application for mobility international grant 2024.pdf



The integrative contribution is awarded according to economic (ISEE/ISPE) and merit requirements already declared by the student while submitting the application for EDISU scholarship 2023/24. 

The international mobility grant is a contribution for expenses and costs incurred during a project abroad. From the monthly amount of € 600 is deducted any amounth by the European Union on any other bilateral agreement, both for European and non-European destinations, on the basis of what is certified by the university.

The amount is not paid if the project is exclusively in distance learning.

If a part of the project take place abroad, and another period is in distance learning, students can get the contribution only for the period spent abroad.

For further details:

GUIDE to application for mobility international grant 2024.pdf



Students must access to their personal page of EDISU Online Services with their SPID/CIE, fill out the online application and transmit it via web within 12:00 (noon) of the deadline specified in the Guide to application for the international mobility grant year 2024.

International students who don’t have the SPID code can request a temporary login code to fill the application on their personal page of Edisu website.



The application must be transmitted exclusively online with no exception from 30 May 2024 to 17 June 2024 at 12.00 (noon), following the instruction available on the Guide to application for the international mobility grant year 2024.

Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

To learn more:

GUIDE to application for mobility international grant 2024.pdf


Classification lists 

  • Provisional classification lists will be published on 8 July 2024 at 12.00 (noon) on your personal page of EDISU Online Services.
  • Complaints can be submitted online from 8 July 2024 to 15 July 2024 at 12.00 (noon), and PDF documents can be attached.
  • Definitive classification lists will be published on 25 July 2024 at 12.00 (noon) within the personal page of Edisu Online Services and entering in “Previous years benefits/Storico benefici” section.



The integrative contribution, according to the availability of funds, will be paid in 2 instalments.

The first instalment, equal to 70% of the total amount, will be paid:

  • at the end of August 2024 in case the student results winner in the definitive ranking list on 25 July 2024;

The second instalment, equal to 30% of the total amount, will be paid:

  • at the end of the international mobility period, upon submission/transmission of a copy of the permanence certification to EDISU, within the deadlines specified on art. 5and the assessments of the real period of stay by Edisu.


Travel Reimbursement

The reimbursement of the travel expenses will be paid only if the University does not provide it and only if the student submits the receipts of payment of the travel with the attestation of stay. 

Otherwise, the student will not get any refund.

For further details please read the Guide to application for the international mobility grant year 2024.


How do we pay the contribution? 

Winners can be paid only through a bank account or a prepaid card in their name, so they have to transmit their IBAN code (Italian or SEPA Area) within 20 august 2024. The procedure is available on the personal pages of EDISU Online Services. 

Passbook savings accounts are not eligible.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 May 2024

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