If you are a university student
In this section you can download information lists to access student services.
If you are a private or other type of user
Consult the documents in relation to the topics of interest.
Current year
2022 - 2023
- international students GUIDELINES a.a. 2022-23 (677.26 KB - 19/07/2022)
2021 - 2022
- Bed list AY21 22 (453.18 KB - 20/09/2021)
- calendario scambi (103.57 KB - 30/09/2021)
- ripartizione posti letto a.a 21 22 per sito (1) (415.26 KB - 20/09/2021)
2020 - 2021
Alternative info
Books loans
- Lost_property_13 January_2020 (218.85 KB - 11/09/2020)
- catalogo_autori_via_michelangelo (433.03 KB - 11/09/2020)
- testi_altre_biblioteche_2013 (11.96 KB - 11/09/2020)
Conference halls
- Cappel Verde_fees (145.02 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Cavour_fees (60.8 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Giulia_fees (667.93 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Michelangelo_fees (65.96 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Olimpia_fees (60.4 KB - 11/09/2020)
Food service
- List_of_charging_points
- Charging Points (74.08 KB - 11/02/2022)
- Rates_2019_2020
- Castelfidardo_rates_fees_2019_2020 (93.74 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rate_alternative_services_2018_19_ (181.26 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_Borsellino_2019_2020 (94.11 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_Claretta_2019_2020_ (127.42 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_Davinci_Braccini_2019_2020 (127.68 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_Novara_2019_2020 (127.79 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_Olimpia_2019_2020 (127.36 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_Principe_2019_2020 (127.13 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Full_rates_canteens_2020 (256.72 KB - 2/12/2021)
- List of charging points_ 2 November (74.08 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates_2021_2022
- Rates Borsellino 2021-22 (104.94 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Braccini 2021-22 (105.13 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Castelfidardo 2021-22 (105.05 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Leonardo Da Vinci-Braccini 2021-22 (105.13 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Murazzi 2021-22 (151.7 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Novara 2021-22 (145.07 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Olimpia 2021-22 (104.93 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Principe 2021-22 (104.94 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Rates Villa Claretta 2021-22 (145.68 KB - 2/12/2021)
- Subsidised rates_21_22 (12.98 KB - 2/12/2021)
- full_rates_alternative_services_21_22 (53.42 KB - 2/12/2021)
- full_rates_canteens_21_22 (76.05 KB - 2/12/2021)
- rates Alessandria 2021-22 (145.34 KB - 2/12/2021)
- tariffe Murazzi 2021-22 (151.7 KB - 7/12/2021)
Halls of residence
- Beds
- Halls_residence_list_2019_2020 (223.32 KB - 11/09/2020)
- beds_assignments_2019_2020 (194.06 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Fees
- Cleaning_services_fees (1.66 MB - 11/09/2020)
- Crockery_kit (1.93 MB - 11/09/2020)
- Halls_of_residence_fees (210.89 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Reservation's_fees_2020 (55.47 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Tableware_rates_kit (1.93 MB - 11/09/2020)
- Determinazione_680_2018_Candidates_List_of_Hall_of_Residences_18_19_ (205.97 KB - 11/09/2020)
- Determinazione_715_21_11_2018_ (1.25 MB - 11/09/2020)
- Elenco Rappresentanti 2021-2022 (66.2 KB - 13/12/2021)
- determina nomica candidati claretta liborio (215.57 KB - 13/12/2021)
Scolarships and other grants
[filetree dir="risorse/documentation-EN/information_lists/scolarships_and_other_grants" controls="false" filename="%basename" fileformat="%link (%size - %modified)"]
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20 September 2022