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The assignment

The assignment gives you the right to use one of the beds put up for competition in one of our university residences but not to request a specific bed in one structure rather than another.

If you have accepted the bed you will receive an email from with the details relating to the assignment.
You will have to show up at the residence for assignment within the deadlines indicated in the email with:

1. valid identity document (for non-EU students the identity document is only the passport);

2. for non-EU students, residence permit or copy of the payment receipt for obtaining the residence permit.

3. passport photo;

4. copy of registration with the National Health Service (health card) or copy of the private insurance policy for non-EU students.

On this page you will also find the tables of the beds advertised for a.y. 2024/2025 that we have prepared by rooms type and student type.

If you need, you can also ask to extend your entry into residence


Do you need to extend your entry?

The extension gives you the possibility to postpone your entrance into the residence if you cannot show up for the assignment within the indicated dates and times. The extension is provided for in the annual competition notice.

If you need to request the extension, you have to use the extension form and send it to by the assignment date. The housing service will respond to all requests.

If you have obtained the authorization for the extension, at least five days before your entry into the residence you have to send an email to to confirm the entry date.

The request for extension will be considered as acceptance of the assignment itself, starting from the last day available for entry into the Residence. Therefore, if students do not show up at the residence once the extension period has expired, they will be considered to have renounced and will have to pay the value of the accommodation service, calculated at €8.18 per day, relating to the period for which they requested the extension.

Questions and answers

Are you a following year, confirmed by merit and winner of the standard application?
The assignment of the bed occurs based on a single ranking prepared only in order of score which takes into account the order of preference expressed during acceptance.
Are you a confirmation of merit for the first year of a master's degree?
The assignment of the bed takes place on the basis of a single ranking in order of University/Equalized ISEE which takes into account the order of preference expressed at the time of acceptance.
Are you a first year, single-cycle master's degree and standard application master's degree?
The assignment of the bed takes place on the basis of a single ranking in order of University/Equalized ISEE which takes into account the order of preference expressed at the time of acceptance.
Equal position in the ranking: what does it mean?
If we have an equal position in the ranking, priority will be given to the student already assigned in 2023/2024. After the assignment of beds to the winners, we proceed with the assignment of beds to the suitable candidates who were assigned a bed in the declaration of interest.
The assignment will do in the same way.  

Something still not clear??






Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 September 2024

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