You have selected the page Sleeping Accomodation's Exchange between different residences. Please note that information does not replace the contents of the Notice of competition and/or official documents on EDISU services that you can download from the website.
What the exchange consists of
During the course of the year, students who have granted beds and are staying in our residences that are different from each other have the opportunity to request to exchange their beds with another.
See the Discipline of Exchanges and the Determination on Policies for Handling Requestes .
Who is envolved
- Students who are currently already in the EDISU Piemonte residences as bed assignees for the a.y. 2024/2025
- must be guests in different residences
How it works
- The exchange must be carried out within the deadline specified in the authorization e-mail we send you.
- students interested in the exchange must ensure that their room is cleaned, so that it is delivered clean;
- In case of bed exchange in rooms with shared bathrooms, it must be between guests of the same gender.
Save the date!
Check the 2024/2025 calendar, which may be subject ti change in any case.
The application
Throughout the year, the time slots for exchange indicated in the exchange calendar published at will be open.
During these periods, guests wishing to exchange will need to apply through the Ticketing service in the dedicated section using the form to be filled in completely and signed. Requests received from each individual user will be evaluated and feedback will be provided, within 5 working days from the date of the end of the related time slot for exchange.
How to contact us
Accommodation service by competition
Using the ticketing service at by following the instructions and selecting the topic "housing service - bed exchange".
Something still not clear?
Ultimo aggiornamento: 24 October 2024