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Open gyms:

  • Cappel Verde
  • Cavour
  • Locale ginnico Paoli
  • Olimpia 
  • Verdi
  • Locale ginnico Lingotto

To learn about other gyms (not currently open to the public) go to the Find the location you are looking for page.

For your safety and the safety of others, we ask that you observe the following rules of conduct:

  • the entrance is possible only by reservation, to be made at the reception.
  • access to the gym only in the presence of the instructor
  • change your shoes
  • show the gym card to the sport instructor
  • respect the rules in the gym

Service recipients

Access is reserved to winner scholarship recipient students who are guests assignees of Halls of Residence with equipped gyms inside.

Is the indoor gym not available in your residence hall? Check which one is associated with your residence hall:

  • Palestra Cappel Verde  >> guest of the residence Cappel Verde and San Liborio 
  • Palestra Cavour >> guest of the residence Cavour
  • Palestra Olimpia  >> guest of the residence Olimpia, users of other residences with no gyms and, since the DEFINITIVE scholarship list is published, also to scholarship winners
  • Palestra Verdi  >> guest of the residence Palazzo degli StemmiGiulia di Barolo e Verdi
  • Locale ginnico Paoli >> guest of the residence Paoli
  • Locale ginnico Lingotto >> guest of the residence Lingotto

Access requirements

The EDISU gyms and sports fields card (Tessera campi sportivi e palestre EDISU) is compulsory to access EDISU gyms; it is given by the staff at the Reception beyond deliver of the following documentation:

  • 1 passport photo
  • self-certificate of good health for non agonistic bodywork (Self certification form)
  • application form (Application form)
  • annual insurance fee 12,91 euro (payment only by PAGO PA or credit cards, NO CASH)

With this card you can also access the EDISU sports fields (beach volley and football). Entrance in gyms is free of charge.

How can you contact us

Sports and cultural activities
Phone: + 39 011 08292504



Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 October 2024

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