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Upcoming dates not to be missed: FEBRUARY 2022

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Data di creazione: 02 February 2022

We have created for you a reminder of the February 2022 deadlines to help you navigate the procedures during this period:

11 February 2022

[FIRST YEAR OF A MASTER'S DEGREE for those who have applied for benefits as a seventh semester degree + first year of a master's degree, who graduate by December 2021 and communicate their graduation date by 11 January 2022

Deadline for late enrolment at your university


17 February 2022 12.00 noon

[FIRST YEAR OF A MASTER'S DEGREE for those who have applied for benefits as a seventh semester degree + first year of a master's degree, who graduate by December 2021 and communicate their graduation date by 11 January 2022

Publication of the definitive ranking** of accommodation services.

** In order to be included in the rankings relating to the first year of the master's degree, students who have applied for the seventh semester of the degree and the first year of the master's degree must communicate the graduation date with the methods and timing indicated in art. 21 paragraph 2. These students must also enroll in the master's degree course within the established deadlines.

18 February 2022 12.00 noon


Application deadline

From 21 to 25 February 2022

Sixth time window for bed exchange -> SUSPENSION OF EXCHANGES: February window CANCELED

21 February 2022 12.00 noon

[FIRST YEAR OF A MASTER'S DEGREE for those who have applied for benefits as a seventh semester degree + first year of a master's degree, who graduate by December 2021 and communicate their graduation date by 11 January 2022

Deadline of the domicile declaration procedure against payment (for those applying as in-house/pending students for the seventh semester of their degree and as out-of-house students for the first year of their master's degree)

25 February 2022 12.00 noon


Publication of the final ranking ** of the scholarship for those who have applied for benefits such as seventh semester degree + first year master's degree, graduates by December 2021 and communicates their date by 11 January 2022).

** In order to be included in the rankings relating to the first year of the master's degree, students who have applied for the seventh semester of the degree and the first year of the master's degree must communicate the graduation date with the methods and timing indicated in art. 21 paragraph 2. These students must also enroll in the master's degree course within the established deadlines.

28 February 2022

  • [FIRST YEAR MASTER'S DEGREE for those graduating by 31 March 2022 and communicating their graduation date by 10 April 2022]

Start of the graduation date notification procedure.


Deadline for the achievement of 10 CFU in order to obtain the advance payment of the second instalment of the scholarship starting from the end of June 2022.


Deadline for the submission/finalisation of consular documentation and ISEE parity, with compulsory registration with the University, for Extra-EU international students only.


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 03 March 2022

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