Find out immediately the information on the subject Lenght of stay with the FAQ.
The FAQ does not replace the Notices of competition and official documents regulating the EDISU service and that you can download from the website.
Can't find the solution to your problem?
Ask us for help, will reply as soon as possible.
How long can I stay in the halls of residence?
It depends on guest’s type, on academic engagement’s length and on the residence availability.
Is it possible to book a room for occasional or irregular length of time?
Yes, it is possible to book a room for non-consecutive nights. In this case, fees will be calculated starting again from the first night. For this reason it won’t be possible to profit by EDISU favorable fees for long time stays.
I have already paid the total amount of accommodation. In case of advanced departure, can I request the refund?
The amount is not refund in case of advanced departures.
Restituzione somma pagata
per quanto posso soggiornare
partire prima della scadenza
Durata del soggiorno
Ultimo aggiornamento: 11 November 2020