If you applied for EDISU benefits in the academic year 2022/2023, please read this information carefully!
We inform you that for reasons of fairness and uniformity of treatment in the assessment of the economic requirements declared in the application for benefits 2022/2023, we have recalculated the ISEE Parificati using a homogeneous exchange rate that refers to the exchange rates of the EU.
This activity is carried out in application of the Competition Notice 2022/2023, in particular of art. 38, paragraph 1.
In detail, the ISEE Parificato have been recalculated using the exchange rate as of December 2020 or 2021 (based on the year of income presented) which can be consulted on the Exchange rate page (Inforeuro).
To view the final calculation of your ISEE, wait for the publication of the final ranking relating to the benefit you have requested.
For further information you can always open a ticket by accessing the dedicated web page.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 April 2023