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How can I communicate the graduation date and when I must be enrolled in a first year of Master Degree?

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Data di creazione: 14 December 2017

If for a.y. 2017/18 you submitted to Edisu the application for the seventh semester and the first year of Master Degree, you must communicate to Edisu the graduation date and you must be enrolled in a first year of Master Degree within the deadlines specified below.


The procedure to communicate the graduation date will be available on your personal page of Edisu website.
After the transmission of the application an email is sent to your email address.


Graduation date Communication graduation date Enrollment
Within 31 December 2017

Dal 18 dicembre 2017 al 8 gennaio 2018 ore 12

9 febbraio 2018
From 1st January to 31 March 2018

From 26 February to 10 April 2018 at noon

3 May 2018

For more information

Art.21 of Edisu Notice of Competition 17/18.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 January 2018

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