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Degree Award 2021/2022: provisional outcomes

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Data di creazione: 24 March 2022

From the 24 March 2022 at noon, the DEGREE AWARDS’ PROVISIONAL OUTCOMES are available.


In order to check the outcome, log into the Online Services, select the label "Degree Award" and click on "Elaborated ranking list".
Students may result as eligible or excluded.

Students meeting all requirements have to check the data, waiting for definitive ranking list’s outcome. Students not meeting all requirements (the reason behind exclusion is available above the result).
If the reason for exclusion is due to some errors in filling out the application, it is necessary to submit an online complaint within the deadlines.



Complaints have to be submitted within 31 March 2022 at noon. The complaint procedure is just online, in ranking list’s webpage. Any document considered as useful for the purpose of a complaint, can be attached to procedure’s dedicated box.
In order to fill out the complaint, you are required to check art. 7 paragraph 6 on the Notice of Competition.


Final outcomes will be available from April the 29th 2022 at noon.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 April 2022

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