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24 CFU FOR TEACHING Awaiting implementation decrees

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Data di creazione: 23 January 2023
The University informed EDISU that he new legislation no longer requires the achievement of 24 CFU (D.lgs.59/2017) as a requirement for the access to the competition, hence, the study programme hasn’t been activated for the a.y. 2022/2023.
The L.79/2022 introduces a programme of 60 CFU but we are still waiting for the implementing decrees and, therefore, the university hasn’t received the ministerial instructions on the timing of start of the new programmes yet.
For further details and for updated information, we recommend you to periodically consult the website (the site is updated in real time).
The extension of the right to study benefits is no longer applicable.
As a consequence, for the a.y. 2022/23 the possibility of staying in the dorm for further 6 months in case of registration to the 24 CFU is suspended except in case of previous registrations to the 24 CFU course if the programme hasn’t been completed yet.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16 February 2023

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