To use the maps
Just select your city and look into the maps of the available services.
- EDISU Services - ALESSANDRIA (map)
- University Canteens
- Halls of residence
- Student Offices
- Study halls
- EDISU Services - CUNEO (map)
- Student Offices
- Halls of residence
- EDISU Services - GRUGLIASCO (map)
- University Canteens
- Gyms
- Palestra Villa Claretta (Hall of residence Villa Claretta)
- Halls of residence
- University Canteens
- Study halls
- Castelfidardo (del Politecnico di Torino)
- Michelangelo
- Ormea
- Pietro Giuria
- Principe Amedeo
- Verdi
- Student offices
Sport fields
- Infopoints
- Halls of residence
- Gyms
- Borsellino (Hall of residence Borsellino)
- Cappel Verde (Hall of residence Cappel Verde)
- Cavour (Hall of residence Cavour)
- Gymnasium Paoli (Hall of Residence Paoli)
- Olimpia (Hall of residence Olimpia)
- Verdi (Hall of residence Verdi)
- Conference halls
- Aula Magna Cavour
- Multimedial Hall Michelangelo (study hall Michelangelo)
- Conference hall Olimpia
- Conference hall Cappel Verde
- EDISU Services - VERCELLI (map)
- Gyms
- Halls of residence
Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 November 2019