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University canteen Campus Braccini

Contenuti principali della pagina

Largo Braccini, 2, 10095 Grugliasco TO
Phone : + 39 011 4031696
Getting here: 
bus Lines: 17, 36, 36S, 44, 44S, 76, 98 / Underground Line 1, metro stop FERMI
See on Google Maps


Opening times

  • From Monday to Friday 12.00 (noon) - 2.15 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday, Holidays closed


Access mode

You must have an e-purse generated after downloading the "Campus Piemonte ID Meal" app.

More info here: App Campus Piemonte ID Meal



Autumn-winter LUNCH Menù

Check out the stories on EDISU Piemont's Instagram profile to see the daily menus of the individual canteens.



160 seats (and take-away service possible).  


Service and meal formulas

Kitchen partly on the spot, partly from outside


See here the meal formulas and rates



Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 August 2024

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