On Thursday 25 February, the Board of Directors approved the measure authorising the reimbursement of rent incurred during the lockdown period in respect of duly registered contracts for university students enrolled at Piedmont's universities.
From today is online the notice for the reimbursement of 2020 rents
or who can apply for reimbursement
Students established in Piemonte
Students enrolled at a University, School for Language mediators (SSML), Institute of advanced art and music education (AFAM) or Higher Institute for Artistic Industries (ISIA), established in Piemonte during a.y. 2019/20 and/or 2020/21with ISEE Parificato/Universitario equal or lower than 15.000 euros.
Students may have already submitted their ISEE to Edisu or to their university for the a.y. 2019/20 or 2020/21. If not, the applicant must have an ISEE Universitario 2021 or a valid ISEE Corrente. They may also submit ISEE Parificato 2021. In this case they must also submit the complete consular documents to EDISU Student Office.
A “Non-resident” student is a student who resides in a municipality different from the location of the attended degree course.
For students enrolled during a.y. 2019/20 the refund will be given according to rental fees paid between February 2020 and September 2020.
In order to receive the refund for rental fees paid between October and December 2020 students must be enrolled in a.y. 2020/21.
Students may have already submitted their ISEE to EDISU or to their university for the a.y. 2019/20 or 2020/21. If not, the applicant must have an ISEE Universitario 2021 or a valid ISEE Corrente. They may also submit ISEE Parificato 2021. In this case they must also submit the complete consular documents to EDISU Student Office.
Commuter” or “non-resident” students without accommodation service value can apply for the refund.
Also students who benefited from EDISU scholarship as “commuter” or “non-resident” students without accommodation service value can apply for the refund.
Students who have already benefited from scholarship or other grants for the accommodation service cannot apply for the refund.
The refunded amount
The refunded amount will be equal to the paid rental fee which has to be certified to EDISU through the submission of payments receipts. No refund is provided for spending (charges).
In the event of a succession in a contract already registered or a drafting of more than one contract during 2020, the applicant must follow instructions stated by FAQs and by the online procedure.
If the available budget is not sufficient to cover the applications of all eligible students according to the total share documented, the reimbursement will be reduced in proportion in order to cover all the eligible students.
Application submissions
Applications are open between 30 March and 14 May 2021 at noon (12 o’clock) via online procedure using EDISU PIN or SPID.
Outcomes and amounts
Outcomes and allocated amounts will be published on 9 July 2021, at the same time payments procedures will start on IBAN submitted by the student via online procedure.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 06 May 2021