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Data di creazione: 27 September 2023
From the 28th of September, the online procedure for requesting access to the canteen service is active.
Since the Piedmont Region is completing the procedure for the approval of the new Regulation, the Regulation a.y. 2022/23 will be used until the date of the new deliberation.
Regarding the economic data required for the subscriction of the ISEE Universitario/Parificato, we inform you that the modalities for the calculation of the ISEE certificate are the same reported in the Notice of competition 2023/24:
  • The ISEE Universitario must be issued starting from 1st January 2023
  • The consular documents must be completed in every part, as it is written in art. 30 of the Notice of competition 2023/24.
Please notice that consular documents must be issued, translated and legalized in 2023.
For further information, check the Guidelines for International Students.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 December 2023

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