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Data di creazione: 19 September 2023
From 22 September 2023 at noon, the definitive ranking lists for the accommodation service 2023/24 are published.
Log into the Online service, and in the box “Scholarship, accommodation service, food service” click on the link “elaborated in the ranking list”. 
For students enrolled  in a FIRST YEAR, the definitive ranking lists are elaborated as specified on art. 12 par. 1 of Edisu Notice of Competition.
The 15% of the accommodations are reserved to Extra-EU students, whose families reside in an Extra-Eu Country, and to students with international protection/stateless students.
For students enrolled in a SUCCESSIVE YEARS and for students enrolled in a FIRST YEAR of Master’s Degree who apply as Benefits confirmation for Merit, the definitive ranking lists are elaborated as specified on art. 17 par. 1 of Edisu Notice of Competition.
Students who attend their courses in municipality with no EDISU residences will result eligible without hall of residence.
Students can result:
WINNER (Vincitore)
EXCLUDED (Escluso)
WINNER: online acceptance
ACCEPTANCE deadline: you must fill online procedure from 22 September within 26 September 2023 at noon.
When submitting the acceptance procedure, students must select one of the following options:
  1. I accept – the list of the EDISU residences to rank according to their preferences will be available
  2. I accept with Option “Erasmus” – students have to specify the duration of the mobility project, that can only go from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024. The period can last less than 8 months or 8 months or more.
  • In case of a less than 8 months Erasmus the list of the EDISU residences to rank will be available;
  • In case of an 8 months or more Erasmus the list of the EDISU residences to rank will not be available.
Please note that the period of stay abroad related to a mobility project for the academic year 2022/23 or 2024/25 cannot be considered; the period communicated to Edisu after 15 June 2024 cannot be considered.
  1. I accept with Option “Renato Einaudi” – only available for students who have won the accommodation service with the association “Renato Einaudi” in a.y 2023/24. The list of Edisu residences are not available in the acceptance procedure since it is not possible to be hosted in anyone of Edisu residences.
  2. I refuse.
Students refusing the accommodation during the acceptance phase or failing to transmit the online procedure, will be considered as “Commuter” (pendolare) in order to determine the scholarship’s amount.
After the transmission of the acceptance Residence Office will send you a mail with further instructions for the assignation of your accommodation.
Accommodations will be assigned according to Delibera n° 67 del 15/09/2017 del Consiglio di Amministrazione dell’EDISU, and according to the kind of student and the kind of room.
For more information please open a ticket in the topic “SERVIZIO ABITATIVO”.
ELIGIBLE STUDENTS: expression of interest.
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST deadline: you must fill online procedure from 22 September within 26 September 2023 at noon.
When submitting the expression of interest procedure, students must select one of the following options:
  1. I’m interested – the list of the EDISU residences to rank according to their preferences will be available
  2. I’m interested with Option “Erasmus” – students have to specify the duration of the mobility project, that can only go from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024. The period can last less than 8 months or 8 months or more.
  • In case of a less than 8 months Erasmus the list of the EDISU residences to rank will be available;
  • In case of an 8 months or more Erasmus the list of the EDISU residences to rank will not be available.
Please note that the period of stay abroad related to a mobility project for the academic year 2022/23 or 2024/25 cannot be considered; the period communicated to Edisu after 15 June 2024 cannot be considered.
  1. I’m interested with Option “Renato Einaudi” – only available for students who have won the accommodation service with the association “Renato Einaudi” in a.y 2023/24. The list of Edisu residences are not available in the acceptance procedure since it is not possible to be hosted in anyone of Edisu residences.
  2. I’m not interested.
Students selecting the option “I’m not interested” during the expression of interest phase or failing to transmit the online procedure, will be considered as “Commuter” (pendolare) in order to determine the scholarship’s amount.
On 28 September 2023 the scrolling ranking list will be published together with the outcome of the expression of interest. Students who will be in the scrolling ranking list can sign a rental agreement and refuse the edisu accommodation if they are contacted during the academic year. They will still run for the non resident scholarship only if they submit the declaration of house rental as stated by art 8 par 2 of the notice of competition). Otherwise they will run for the “commuter students” amount.
At the end of the expression of interest, on September 28th 2023, on your personal page of the Sportello Online, the OUTCOME OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST will be published with the various distributions that will be made in case of remaining posts.
Students who declare their interest in an accommodation but who are not called will be included in the one of three following ranking lists (FIRST YEAR, FIRST YEAR EXTRA-EU with family in a Extra-Eu Country and with international protection/stateless student, SUCCESSIVE YEARS).
For more information check art. 33 par. 3 of EDISU Notice of Competition 2023/24.
If you result as “eligible” without residence in the accommodation definitive classification lists, it means that the accommodation service had been requested to one of the structures located in Alba, Aosta, Asti, Biella, Bra,  Ivrea, Milano, Mondovì, Pollenzo or Verbania which do not host any EDISU student residence.
In that case, you will NOT have to transmit the Expression of interest.
Remember that, in order to receive the scholarship amount for non resident students, it will be necessary to submit a house rental contract according to the modalities and deadlines reported on art.8 of Edisu Notice of competition.
If you are EXCLUDED it means that we have ascertained the presence of one of the conditions (non-admission or exclusion) provided for in art. 3 of the Notice of Competition.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 12 December 2023

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