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Request for a summer stay

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Data di creazione: 22 June 2021


The request for a summer stay can be made starting from July 1, 2021 and no later than 12.00 a.m. on July 8, 2021.


How to apply?

The request must be made online on your personal EDISU page → ELABORATO PAGAMENTO RATA → PERMANENZA ESTIVA



The summer stay, as an exception to the provisions of art. 34 paragraph 5 of the notice of competition relating to scholarships and housing service a.a. 2020/21 will be free of charge

The use of the bed must be no less than 2/3 of the period requested. If the period of absence is longer, the student must pay the fee of € 7.57 for each day of absence exceeding 1/3 of the period of non-use granted;

Graduates who adequately document the impossibility of returning to their country of origin may stay in residence for the month of August 2021 beyond 10 days from the date of graduation at the rate of € 8.50 per night.



Ultimo aggiornamento: 02 September 2021

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