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Containment measures and measures COVID 19

Contenuti principali della pagina

In this page we publish the updates on measures and measures for containment and prevention of Coronavirus COVID-19 as adopted by the various national, local and Authority authorities.
We therefore recommend to consult it frequently.

In order to be always updated on the situation and for prevention advice we suggest to consult it:



EDISU Decrees and Directives

Emergency guidelines Hall of residences (2 November 2020)

Emergency related provisions (27 October 2020) 

Decree President (22 May 2020)

Decree  President  fase2 (4 May 2020) 

Decree President (24 March 2020)

Deliberation (14 March 2020)
(facoltà permanenza in residenza a titolo gratuito)

Communicated_students (25 March 2020) 
Decreto Presidente con le  misure immediatamente operative nelle residenze universitarie

Decree President (13 March 2020) 

Measures taken (11 March 2020) 

Decree President (9 March 2020) 
Disposizioni urgenti connesse all'emergenza coronavirus - COVID 2019

Communicated (23 February 2020) 






Ultimo aggiornamento: 20 September 2022

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