Data di creazione: 07 July 2020
In this page we offer you a reminder of the main deadline of June.
First years
6 July 2020 >>> Online credit self-certification deadline
From late July 2020 >>> Supply:
Of the advance payment of the second installment, equal to 25% of the total amount of the scholarship, for those who have achieved minimum 10 CFU by 30 June 2020 and have self-certified them by 6 July 2020, at noon.
Of the entire second installment, for those who have achieved 20 CFU by June 30, 2020 and have self-certified them by July 6, 2020, at noon.
Housing service
First years
26 July 2020 >>> Expiration of the period of use of the housing service for those who have not achieved 20 ECTS by 10 August 2020.
- Notice references 2019/2020:
First year (art. 34 par. 4)
Housing service
First year of master's degrees, graduation by December 31, 2019 and graduation date communicated by January 8, 2020
26 July 2020 >>> Expiration of the period of use of the housing service for those who have not achieved 20 ECTS by 10 August 2020.
- Notice references 2019/2020:
First year of master's degrees (art. 34 par. 4)
Housing service
First year of master's degrees, graduation by March 31, 2020 and graduation date communicated by April 10, 2020
26 July 2020 >>> Expiration of the period of use of the housing service for those who have not achieved 20 ECTS by 10 August 2020.
- Notice references 2019/2020:
First year of master's degrees (art. 34 par. 4)
Mobility supplementary contribution
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07 July 2020