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Scholarship and accommodation 16/17: provisional results

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Data di creazione: 20 January 2017

From 20th January 2017, at noon, the PROVISIONAL classification lists for the scholarship and accommodation service 2016/2017 are published for students who have requested the benefit as:

  • Seventh semester of bachelor’s and first year of master’s degree, benefits confirmation for merit, graduation date transmitted within 31 December 2016.
  • Seventh semester of bachelor’s and first year of master’s degree, standard application graduation date transmitted within 31 December 2016.
  • PhD courses and postgraduate schools, first years and successive years.

How to check the results

Log into the <Online Services>, and in the box <Scholarships, sleeping accommodation, food service and grants> and click on <Elaborated on the list>. Students without PIN or USER CODE 2016 can check the outcome at EDISU office.

Students may result eligible or excluded.​​​​​​

  • ELIGIBLE: the student possesses the requirements, he/she has to check the data and wait for the outcome of the definitive classification lists.
  • EXCLUDED: the student must verify the reason for his/her exclusion and, if the reason is based on errors in filling out the application, he/she can make a complaint online within the deadlines.


Eventuali RECLAMI dovranno pervenire entro le ore 12 del 27 gennaio 2017, utilizzando l’apposita procedura on line. La procedura è disponibile consultando l’esito della graduatoria provvisoria.

Complaints must be submitted within 27th January 2017 at noon. The compliant procedure is completely online and it is available on the webpage where you visualize the ranking list. Further documents can be directly attached to the complaint procedure or sent by email to

Declaration of house rental

The following categories of students must submit the declaration of house rental from 20th January 2017 to 17th February 2017 at noon, with the procedure available on the personal page of EDISU Online Services.

  • Students who applied for the seventh semester of a bachelor’s as resident or commuter, and for the first year of master’s degree as non-resident.
  • Non-resident students enrolled in PhD courses and in postgraduate schools.

Students who do not declare any rental agreement will receive the commuter scholarship amount.

Extra-UE students whose families reside abroad do not have to declare any rental agreement because they are automatically considered as non-resident.

More information are available at art. 8 of the Notice of Competition.

Definitive results

The halls of residence definitive classification lists will be published on 14th February 2017 at noon.

The scholarship definitive classification lists will be published on 21st February 2017 at noon.



Ultimo aggiornamento: 10 February 2017

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