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Right to university study: 27 May online information meeting

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Data di creazione: 17 May 2021

How can I get a scholarship? Is it possible to get a refund on my university fees? How and when to apply? Where are the canteens and residences? What is ISEE University?

Si tratterà quindi di un focus su requisiti d’accesso (possesso SPID, ISEE Universitario e requisiti di merito) nonché sulle modalità pratiche di partecipazione al bando nei tempi e nei modi corretti.

Many of these questions afflict university students and aspiring students who are unable to enjoy the benefits of the right to study due to errors in filling in the form or because they did not request the necessary information in time. To help them, on 27 May, from 4 to 5.30 p.m., an online information meeting will take place to illustrate the services and benefits offered by EDISU Piemonte concerning the right to study and how to access them. In anticipation of the publication of the EDISU call for applications next June, we intend to offer all the information and preventive tools to make participation as simple and broad as possible.

The focus will therefore be on the access requirements (possession of SPID, ISEE University and merit requirements) as well as on the practicalities of participating in the call for applications in the correct time and manner.


The meeting, aimed at families, university students, AFAM students and final year students from Alessandria, Vercelli and Novara, will be led by EDISU representatives who will be able to illustrate the path to accessing the measures in detail and answer participants' questions.

The meeting is also aimed at high school final year class groups. Interested teachers can contact the Informagiovani of Alessandria and Vercelli. It should be noted that students on academic courses at Istituti di Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale (Conservatori e Accademie di belle Arti) are also among the recipients of the right to university study measures.


L’incontro si svolge su Google Meet. Per partecipare alla riunione video, si deve cliccare su questo link:

Altrimenti, per partecipare telefonicamente, è necessario comporre +39 02 3046 1989 e digita il PIN: 696 610 842#

Sono disponibili 150 posti.

The meeting takes place on Google Meet. To participate in the video meeting, you must click on this link:

Otherwise, to participate by phone, you must dial +39 02 3046 1989 and enter the PIN: 696 610 842#.

150 places are available.


The initiative is promoted by Edisu Piemonte, Informagiovani di Alessandria ASM Costruire Insieme, Informagiovani di Vercelli, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Obiettivo Orientamento Piemonte e l’Istituto di Alta Formazione Musicale Conservatorio di Musica Statale “A.Vivaldi” di Alessandria

For information:

Informagiovani A.S.M. Costruire Insieme free number 800116667 

Source: Informagiovani Alessandria 

Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 May 2021

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