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Ricalculation non resident scholarship –reopening procedure of declaration of house rental contract for contracts of a least 4 months

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Data di creazione: 22 January 2021

With Director’s determination n. 37  of 21  January 2021, Edisu Piemonte has transposed the provisions of Regione Piemonte DGR (resolution of the regional government) n. 16-2671 of 18 December 2020 drawn up according to Legislative Decree of 19 May 2020, n. 34 “Misure urgenti in materia di salute, sostegno al lavoro e all’economia, nonché di politiche sociali connesse all’emergenza epidemiologica da COVID-19”, resulting in the reopening of the procedure of Declaration of house rental contract for students who applied for accommodation and  won the “commuter” amount of scholarship in 15 or 18 December’s ranking but who concluded a contract of house rental for a period which covers not less than 4 months.

Also “excluded” students, who can be set in the ranking lists of February 2021 or 15 March 2021 (according to the notice of competition and international students guidelines) can benefit from the procedure’s reopening.


The procedure is open:

  • From 22 January to 19 February at noon (12 o’clock)
  • From 1 to 10 March at noon (12 0’clock) – extraordinary opening according to DGR Regione Piemonte

The integration of the amount of scholarship will be made ON THE SECOND INSTALMENT.


Students who applied for accommodation service, who fulfil the requirements to collect the amount of scholarship comprehensive of the monetary value of the accommodation service not enjoyed, can receive the full amount if their contract lasts 10 months or a “non resident” amount calculated on the basis of the duration of the domicile (contract duration between 4 and 9 months).

For students who applied for a further semester only, the contract must last at least 2 months.



The procedure is open:

  • From 22 January to 19 February at noon (12 o’clock)
  • From 1 to 10 March at noon (12 0’clock) – extraordinary opening according to DGR Regione Piemonte

The integration of the amount of scholarship will be made ON THE SECOND INSTALMENT.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 22 March 2021

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