From June 9th 2022 at noon the provisional ranking lists of integrative grant for international mobility 2022 for the 2022/2023 projects or some 2021/2022 projects with particular characteristics are published.
To check your result you must log into the Online Services with SPID or CODICE TEMPORANEO/TEMPORARY CODE.
ATTENTION! If the online access with SPID is unavailable, in order to consult the classification list you can register as a temporary code by clicking on "Registration" in the box CODICE TEMPORANEO.
ELIGIBLE: You meet all notice of competition’s requirements. You have to check the data and wait for definitive ranking list’s outcome.
EXCLUDED: You do not meet notice of competition’s requirements.If you think to meet requirements, you have to submit a complaint against the result of the provisional ranking list in order to ask a review of your request.
- EXCLUDED with the following statement: “Esito di Ateneo non ancora disponibile/ Outcome of University not yet available".
There are special mobility projects whose results are published after our ranking list. If you participate in those kind of projects you must submit online complaint. Otherwise, you will be excluded in the final ranking lists of July 13th, 202without the possibility of being included in the November ranking lists.
If you do not submit any complaint, the provisional ranking list will be considered as examined and accepted.
Complaints must be submitted online, within June 17th 2022 at noon with the modalities referred to in art. 3 paragraph 2.1 of the Notice of Competition or indicated at the page 3, par. 7.1, of the Guide to application.
Due to COVID-19 health emergency the data verified with Universities could be modified. To update your data, please, submit a complaint within deadlines specified.
The definitive ranking lists will be published on July 13rd 2022 at noon.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 06 September 2022