Data di creazione: 03 April 2017
For the first years students, the procedure for self-certification of merit (art. 9 par. 2 e 4 Notice of Competition 16/17) aimed to the payment of the second installment is active in this windows time:
- from 3rd till 30th April 2017 at noon;
- from July till 2nd October 2017 at noon.
Refer to the art. 12 of Notice of Competition 16/17 for the timeline of the payments.
You can accede on your personal page of EDISU Online Services Scholarships, sleeping accommodation, food service and grants and insert the details of your passed exams (description, grade, date, credits).
You can register all the exams with the exception of:
- credits resulting from academic probations;
- credits of ongoing university modules that require further additions to the final vote;
- credits of individual courses not recognized;
- credits outnumbered.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 December 2017