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Contribution for the purchase of electronic devices for distance learning – Ranking List

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Data di creazione: 30 June 2021

From 12.00 of the 30th of June 2021, the ranking lists regarding the allocation of the Contribution for the purchase of electronic devices for distance learning will be avaiable.

How to check the ranking lists

Enter your Sportello on line, in the section “Refund Dispositivi per DAD” and click on the link “Elaborated ranking list”.
Students can result vincitore (winner), idoneo (eligible) or escluso (excluded):
  • VINCITORE:  these students have the requirements laid down in the regulation and their position in the ranking list is covered by the € 200.000,00 fund.
    The amount will be delivered at the end of July. Please note that with “delivered” is meant the beginning of the administrative procedure of the payment. The effective availability of the amount in every student’s bank account will occur in the following month.

  • IDONEO:these students have the requirements laid down in the regulation but their position in the ranking list is not covered by the € 200.000,00 fund. In the event that further funds for the allocation of the contribution to all those entitled will take place, they will become winners. In this case, they will be promptly informed.

  • ESCLUSO: these students don’t have the requirements laid down in the regulation, therefore they can’t enjoy the requested benefits. Next to their name there will be indicated the reason for the exclusion.




Ultimo aggiornamento: 10 August 2021

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