Data di creazione: 09 September 2024
From 11 September 2024 at noon, the provisional ranking list for the accommodation service 2024/25 are published.
Log into the Online service, and in the box “Scholarship, accommodation service, food service” click on the link “elaborated in the ranking list”.
Complaint must be submitted within 16 September 2024 at noon. The complaint procedure is completely online and it is available on the webpage where you visualize the ranking list. Further documents can be directly attached to the complaint procedure.
Complaints must be submitted especially in these cases:
- A material error occurred (cases showed in art.3 of Edisu Notice of competition are considered as an exception);
- An exclusion cause that can be fixed with a complaint;
- ISEE Universitario was not available in INPS database or was not in accordance with the student declarations;
- It is necessary to submit further documents.
If you are an international student who submitted the consular documents remember to check the evaluation outcomes in your personal page.
EU and Extra EU students who got a positive assessment of their consular documents but don’t get an ISEE Parificato value on the provisional ranking lists must submit a complaint in the section “Economic data” > “Other economic reasons” specifying the request for an ISEE value. This value will be calculated by CAAF working with EDISU Piemonte and published on the definitive ranking lists.
WARNING! Students who are not interested in the accommodation service, must submit the renounce by filling out the appropriate complaint within 16 September at noon.
If they refuse the accommodation after the definitive ranking list, during the “online acceptance” or “expression of interest” or “assignation” phase, they will be considered COMMUTER for the purpose of determining the amount of the scholarship.
If they refuse the accommodation after the definitive ranking list, during the “online acceptance” or “expression of interest” or “assignation” phase, they will be considered COMMUTER for the purpose of determining the amount of the scholarship.
He definitive ranking list for the accommodation service a.y. 2024/25 is published on 23 September 2024 at noon.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 23 September 2024