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Data di creazione: 26 October 2022



The 28 October 2022 starting from 12 o’clock Italian time (noon), the PROVISIONAL ranking lists for the scholarship 2022/2023 are published for students who have requested the benefit.


Log into the Online Services, and in the box “Scholarship, accommodation service, food service” click on the link “elaborated on the list”

In these ranking lists students can result eligible or excluded.

ELIGIBLE (idoneo): students who have the requirements; they must check the data and wait for the definitive ranking lists outcome. The ranking list place may vary in the definitive ranking lists due to the submission of complaints by other students.

Within student’s personal page a scholarship “estimated amount” is specified, students can benefit from that amount only if they are “winner” in the definitive ranking lists.

PAY ATTENTION: in any case, it is not possible to predict if a student can be winner or not in the definitive ranking list.

EXCLUDED (escluso): students who do not meet the requirements, who made mistakes while filling out the online application or who must submit further economic documents.

Reason for the exclusion is indicated below the outcome and if the student believes that he/she has the requirements it is mandatory to submit a complaint.

In case of non-submission of a complaint, it is understood that the student has read and accepted the results of the provisional ranking.


Students who have requested the 20% increase in the scholarship for the second course, by accessing their personal page, will see a double result: the first relating to the scholarship application for the first course and the other relating to the request for an increase for the second course declared in the application. With regard to the increase, they may be "suitable" or "excluded" with an indication of the reason for exclusion and, if they deem it appropriate, they will have the right to lodge a complaint within the terms.



Both “eligible” and “excluded” students can submit a complaint. Students who are excluded must consider each reason for the exclusion.

Complaints must be submitted especially in these cases:

  • a material error occurred (excepted for situations stated by art. 3 of the notice of competition)
  • reason for the exclusion with the lettering “adjustable by complaint” (“sanabile su reclamo”)
  • reason for the exclusion: “not enrolled on declared degree course in Piemonte” (adjustable by enrolling in university within 30 November 2022 and by paying tuition fees with the exception of the first years of the master's degree which can be enrolled until April 14, 2023)
  • lack of merit requirements following checks with universities
  • failed finding of an ISEE Universitario or finding of an ISEE Universitario with omissions/dissimilarities or not valid for the applicant with a DSU signed within 30 September 2022.
  • Inconsistencies of economic data (for example income’s origin, type of certificate declared in the application)

Complaints must be submitted within 18 November 2022 at 12 o’clock Italian time (noon), by filling out the online procedure. This procedure is available by checking the result of provisional ranking list. To attach documents (PDF format only) will be possible.

If no complaint is submitted Edisu will consider that the student has accepted the outcome of the provisional ranking list.

For further information, we invite you to check art. 7 par. 6 of the Notice of Competition.



Non-resident students who:

- applied only for scholarship

- applied for scholarships and accommodation service but:

• deleted the accommodation service request by 2 September 2022 or submitted a "renounce of accommodation service" through a complaint by 15 September 2022

• resulted:

  • eligible in the definitive rankings of accommodation service and subsequently they have been included in the scrolling ranking list;
  • winners with “Erasmus” option with a period equal to or greater than 8 months in the accommodation service’s definitive ranking lists;
  • winners of accommodation service in the definitive ranking lists but renounced after the entrance in the accommodation
  • excluded from the accommodation service’s definitive ranking list for other reasons but who have fixed or will fix the exclusion about the scholarship

from 28 October 2022 and within at 12.00 Italian time(noon) on 3 December 2022 are required to fill out the online procedure of DECLARATION OF HOUSE RENTAL in order to receive, in case of scholarship winning, the due amount.

In absence of a declaration of house rental, students who are in the situations listed above will receive the amount provided for commuter students.

Also Extra-EU students whose families reside abroad have to declare the rental house contract.



The definitive ranking list for the scholarship a.y. 2022/2023 will be published on 15 December 2022 starting from 12 o’clock Italian time (noon).


Ultimo aggiornamento: 27 December 2022

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