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Data di creazione: 15 December 2022

Scholarship definitive ranking lists will be published on 15 December 2022 at 12 o’clock Italian time (noon).


How to check the outcome

Login to the Online Services and click on the link “Elaborated ranking list” in the box “Scholarship, accommodation service, food service”.

Students may result winner or excluded.

WINNERS: students meet requirements and are assignees of the benefit thanks to founds FSC (Fondi per Sviluppo e Coesione). PNRR (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza – progetto Next Generation EU) e FIS (Fondo Integrativo Statale) + regional resources. The results will indicate which of these funds the scholarship was awarded with.

First instalment is paid starting from the end of December 2022 for students who submitted their IBAN

Please note that the payment of the instalment is the administrative act with which Edisu disposes the provision of the instalment, not the accreditation. The sum of money will be available in the students’ bank account or card during the following month, depending on the timing of the credit institutions.


- first years of master's degree not enrolled on 30 November 2022 or enrolled in single courses or who have not completed enrollment in the master's degree course. They must enrol by 14 April 2023 in order to be included in the definitive rankings of 28 April 2023

- Students who have requested validation (for course change or transfer from another university or recognition of credits from courses previously taken in Italy and abroad) and for whom the universities have not been able to proceed with the validation resolution by 30 November 2022. They must obtain validation by 14 April 2023 in order to be included in the definitive rankings of 28 April 2023

EXCLUDED: students do not meet the requirements; reasons for the exclusion are stated below the outcome.


PAY ATTENTION: assignees of a bed place in Edisu residences, if excluded, must leave their accommodation, due to the loss of requirements, within 3 working days. Also, they’ll have to pay € 8,18 per each day spent in the residence. First-years of Master’s degree “suspended” who are going to enrol by 14 April 2023 will be set in the ranking lists of 28 April 2023.




Students who have requested the 20% increase in the scholarship for the second course, by accessing their personal page, will see a double result: the first relating to the scholarship application for the first course and the other relating to the request for an increase for the second course declared in the application. With regard to the increase, they may be “winner” or "excluded" with an indication of the reason for exclusion

Students who are eligible unassigned for the scholarship are automatically eligible unassigned for the 20% increase for the second course.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 28 February 2023

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