Find out immediately the information on the subject Health care information with the FAQ.
The FAQ does not replace the Notices of competition and official documents regulating the EDISU service and that you can download from the website.
Can't find the solution to your problem?
Ask us for help, will reply as soon as possible.
I need health care. Who can I ask for information?
Health care information office (at Verdi Hall of residence - Torino) give information on how to access the Italian National Health Service (SSN, Sistema Sanitario Nazionale).
Opening times:
from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm;
Friday from 8 am to 12 noon.
Dott. Ezio Chionio
Phone + 39 334 100 6710 (from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm/ Friday from 8 am to 12 noon).
To whom service is addressed?
Service is aimed at those who are temporarily in Italy for reasons of study, or:
- off site italian university students;
- university students coming from a country of the European Union;
- university students coming from a country not of European Union.
The advice is paid?
No, the advice is free.
How do I make an appointment?
By sending an email or making a phone call to the following contacts:
Dott. Ezio Chionio
Phone + 39 334 100 6710 (from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm/ Friday from 8 am to 12 noon).
I am a foreign student - questions and answers
I feel very bad what should i do?
Go immediately to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. If you can't walk, call the emergency number 112
I am a foreign student, I urgently need a general medical examination and I do not have a GP in the city where I am studying: what should I do?
Ask a general practitioner agreement with the National Health Service, equipped with:
- European Health Card (TEAM)
- Identity document
- Legible photocopy of the TEAM
The general practitioner will provide general health services and will prescribe any specialist health services (specialist visits, diagnostic tests, etc.), also requesting, through the ASL, reimbursement from the competent foreign institution.
I am a non-EU student and I need a specialist visit to the city where I study. How should I do?
Ask a general practitioner agreement with the National Health Service, equipped with:
- European Health Card (TEAM)
- Identity document
- Legible photocopy of the TEAM
The general practitioner will prescribe any specialist health services (specialist visits, diagnostic examinations, etc.), which you will have to book at the competent ASL for the area by paying the relative fee.
Don't you know your local ASL?
Ask us for help, we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
► Go to the form
Follow the instructions:
► select the item Health care information
► indicate your address in the city where you are studying.
Chi può richiedere l'assistenza sanitaria? Servizio sanitario nazionale, medico di base, prestazioni mediche, medico di base, sostegno sanitario, problemi di salute, SSN
Chi può rivolgersi al servizio di assistenza sanitaria? Destinatari, servizio sanitario nazionale, medico di base, prestazioni mediche, medico di base, sostegno sanitario, problemi di salute, SSN
Sono uno studente fuori sede, posso ottenere l'assistenza sanitaria? Studenti universitari, residenza, comune, sede del corso di studi, mezzi pubblici, 60 minuti.
Sono uno studente straniero, posso ottenere l'assistenza sanitaria? Studente extra UE, famiglia residente in Paese Ue, Paese extra UE.
Dove mi devo recare per ricevere consulenza? assistenza, sede, indirizzo.
A chi mi devo rivolgere per le informazioni? Dott. Ezio Chionio, Residenza Universitaria Verdi 15, Via Verdi 15 Torino
Devo pagare per la consulenza? Servizio a pagamento, costo, spesa.
La consulenza è gratuita? si paga, free, gratis
E' necessario un appuntamento? Bisogna prenotare? Prenotazione
Come posso richiedere/chiedere un appuntamento? Inviare una e mail, per telefono.
Dove mi devo recare per ricevere consulenza? assistenza, sede, indirizzo
Quali sono gli orari di apertura?
Ultimo aggiornamento: 05 June 2020