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Scholarship 2016/2017: second installment first year students

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Data di creazione: 24 November 2017

We inform first year students in a.y. 2016/17 who:

  • achieved at least 20 credits within the 10 August 2017
  • submitted the selfcertification of merit within the 2nd October 2017


  • declared the merit achieved applying for EDISU benefits for a.y. 2017/18.


  • the procedures for the settlement of the second installment will start approximately from 30 November 2017;
  • student account accreditation procedures, consistent with the time frame of the various lenders, will be completed by the 11 December 2017.

However, if there are any updates will follow changes in maximum time provided.



Ultimo aggiornamento: 29 January 2018

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