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Economic Assessment - Scholarship A.Y. 2014/15

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Data di creazione: 07 March 2018

EDISU Piemonte, as competent authority, informs that the totality of students winners of scholarship and/or accomodation service as well as assignees of accomodation service for the academic year 2014/2015 that used to produce a self-certification on their economic condition, will be subject to assessment in order to verify the truthfulness of the self-certification related to family and economic situation, in implementation of article 4, paragraph 10 of Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (D.P.C.M. 9 April 2001) and 2014/2015 Notice of competition’s article 34, paragraph 1.

Furthermore, notice is hereby given by article 8 paragraph 1 and 2 of the Law 241 ( 7 August 1990):

The assessment starts on March the 5th 2018 and will end within June the 28th 2019.
The competent office for the procedure is Ufficio Accertamenti Economici the responsible for the process is Dott.ssa Elena Florio.
Official records are stored in Sportello Unico di Via Giulia di Barolo 3 bis, Turin.
Official records are accessible in the Headquarter located in Via Madama Cristina 83, Turin.
In relation to the large number of assessments, in case of compliance with the self-declaration no communication will be sent.
In case the outcome of the assessment is NON-COMPLIANT the student will receive a non-compliance note and will have 30 days time to provide some counter-deductions, meticulously following as indicated in the note.
It is specified that procedures respect  the term of 180 days governed by DPCM 143/2010 of 16 July 2010.
Each student can access to his/her own file on economic/asset/family assessment  by logging into the personal page in Sportello on line Borse di studio Posto letto Ristorazione e Contributi, section “Economic Assessments”.  


Ultimo aggiornamento: 30 March 2018

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